Tuesday 16 November 2010

Tuesday Night Club

Open between 7-9pm Tuesday 16th November 2010
Hopefully the local press will be there so if you want your picture in the paper, be there!!!

Monday 8 November 2010

Tuesday Night Club 7-9pm

We have been open for 2 weeks now and we are getting a steady number attending the club. There is plenty more room for more to attend so please do so.
We are open every Tuesday now so no confusion is caused as to when we are open.

See you there!!!

Monday 25 October 2010


Opening on Tuesday 26th October 2010 7pm to 9pm hope as many people can make it as possible!!!

Friday 26 March 2010


Work started today on restoration of the club and with the plumbing works due to start on the 19th April we seem as if we should be ready to open at the beginning of May. All fingers crossed and I will keep you informed of progress as we go along

Monday 8 February 2010


The annual beer festival will be held at the club again in April. All the necessary repair works will be completed by then and the facility will eventually be better than ever before. Watch this space for more details

BIG DISASTER!!!! A water pipe has burst in the centre causing major damage. It has wiped out our PC,s, Wii fit, tv,s, etc. Ceilings have come down and carpets have been ruined. Our boiler room was also flooded and we now have no heating as well. We are now dealing with the insurance claim but in will be many weeks before we are up and running fully. We will keep posting and letting you know progress